Vietnam Day 2022: Childhood Station

by Common Viet

2022/07/17 11:00 〜 2022/07/17 17:30

Yoiya(多機能拠点 べっぷ未来わくわくセンター)

Vietnam Day 2022 is a Vietnamese cultural exchange event dedicated to international students at APU, as well as the local citizens in Beppu City. As the COVID-19 situation has been effectively controlled, and the ‘new normal’ has gradually become the general lifestyle, we - Common Viet - believe that this is the golden time to actively promote the local exchange projects and events.
Inspired by the theme of ‘childhood’ - the most precious and innocent period of our lives, through this event, Common Viet wish to share the values that are associated with Vietnamese children to our participants. At Vietnam Day 2022, participants will have an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in making traditional Vietnamese handicrafts, as well as get themselves souvenirs and enjoy Vietnamese cuisine with enthralling performances.