Multicultural Quest
Deepen your interactions with students from various countries and regions through fun activities such as language and culture workshops, sports, and cooking. These events are open to everyone, but we especially encourage students who have not been able to take the first step in taking advantage of APU’s multicultural environment due to a lack of confidence in language skills or having allowed their time at APU to slip by without proactively participating in international exchange. This new project will begin in 2024 and we will be recruiting participants for various Multicultural Learning events. Please check Campus Terminal, this website, or the APU Student Activities Instagram account for event information.
Multicultural Weeks
APU's Multicultural Weeks showcase a country or region's culture for a week, providing a chance to learn and experience diverse cultures. Although you can simply attend Multicultural Week events, we highly recommend that you take the initiative to become involved in the planning and management aspects. Being part of organizing a Multicultural Week for a country or region other than your own will give you the chance to meet many students from that community and gain a deeper understanding of their culture. Multicultural Week organizers not only have to consider the content of the various events but also manage the event reception desks and performers. Despite it being hard work, the satisfaction and enjoyment of creating an event with a diverse group of people outweigh the challenges! Details are available here.
Clubs/Circles and Events & Projects
APU student organizations are required to accept members irrespective of their language basis or background. While Japanese or English is often the main language of communication, some groups operate in both languages, and it is mandatory to have members from at least two regions or countries after one year of the organization's establishment to promote diversity. We highly recommend joining an organization that facilitates international exchange and participating in its events. Search for student organizations here.
Oita International Plaza(external organization)
The Oita International Plaza is committed to promoting international exchange and understanding among the people of Oita Prefecture. It also provides information on international exchange opportunities. It is conveniently located near Oita Station, and you can find additional information on their website. For more details, click here.