Arauma Chiyo

Art and Culture


Rasse-ra-Rasse-ra! We are Arauma Chiyo! Join us for a powerful love-at-first-sight performance filled with laughter, tears, and romance in a unique environment with half international students and half Japanese students! Arauma is a traditional performance of Aomori Prefecture in Japan, and in the summer we participate in the Arauma Festival in Aomori, where you can enjoy Arauma dancing with the locals! We are always looking for new members! Why don't you join us and have fun together?

Place Main: student hall Sub: event space 1.2.3 Music room 1.2 Multipurpose hall
Time Tuesdays, 6.7 hours Practice periods 5-7 days a week at the time of the event
Members count Japanese members count:8、 International members count:10
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