Art and Culture


Thaisetsu promotes and enhances splendid relationships between international students and Thai students through various activities related to Thai culture Under the 3 departments. Local exchange, Cultural exchange, and Thai camp ( Hajimemashite camp). Local exchange department Thaisetsu visit Japanese school and teach Thai language and culture especially we always do some activities with Koge city every year. The cultural exchange Thaisetsu is doing both on-campus and off-campus, Thai-related activities such as cooking, selling Thai food during Tenkusai, and bonding events. That camp is to do a camp in Thailand teaching Japanese language and culture to Thai students. Thaisetsu is also doing some collaboration with other circles and organizations in APU as well.

Place APU Campus, Student Hall
Time General Meeting 4th Period Wednesday (once a month)
Members count Japanese members count:1、 International members count:15
Links Instagram