Oceania Student Organization (OSA)

Art and Culture


Oceania Student’s Association and its vision has been passed down since APU's young age. Fall 2022 marked its revival; gathered members to help kickstart Spring 2023 with our first Entrance Ceremony, which later expanded the outreach in the community for Oceania Week 2023 in July.
We have two goals in particular and they are;
(1) Unite and create a community of support for the Oceania student body of APU;
(2) Provide a space where all students can share and experience the essence of Oceania.
(3) Continue to share our Oceanian culture through multicultural weeks and other activities.

OSA activities:
Oceania Multicultural Week 2024
Perform at APU events
Perform for outside organizations
Host OSA family get togethers (BBQs, picnics, Christmas party)
Promote Oceania at APU
Promote Oceania on SNS

Place Student Hall
Time April 2024 - August 2024
Members count Japanese members count:21、 International members count:27
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